Quick install guide

The easiest way to install Roll Your Own is to use use easy_install or pip you have have them installed. If that’s the case, use one of the following commands:

pip install rollyourown
easy_install rollyourown

If you don’t have easy_install or pip installed, you will need to do things manually. Firstly, install Django by following the installation instructions at http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/install/. Next download the RollYourOwn release from http://code.google.com/p/rollyourown/. To unpack and install it, run the following from your shell:

tar xvzf rollyourown-1.0.tar.gz
cd rollyourown-1.0/
python setup.py install

That’s it, you’ve installed everything you need to install. You can now try the tutorial.

Development version

For those you like to help out, you can check out the development version here:

git clone git@github.com:willhardy/Roll-Your-Own.git